Your Guide to Taipei Weather in November: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Your Guide to Taipei Weather in November: What to Expect and How to Prepare

As someone who loves exploring new destinations, experiencing different climates is always a fascinating part of my travels. When it comes to Taipei in November, the weather plays a crucial role in shaping your itinerary. The fall season brings a unique charm to the city, making it an ideal time to visit and immerse yourself in its vibrant culture.

In November, Taipei transitions from the lingering warmth of autumn to the cooler embrace of winter. The cityscape transforms with colorful foliage, creating picturesque scenes that are perfect for leisurely strolls or capturing stunning photographs. Whether you’re planning outdoor adventures or looking forward to savoring local delicacies, understanding Taipei’s weather in November is key to making the most of your trip.

Overview of Taipei Weather in November

Climate Conditions

In November, Taipei experiences a transitional period as autumn transforms into winter. The city’s climate during this time is characterized by mild temperatures and occasional rainfall. The crisp air heralds the onset of the cooler winter season, while the remnants of autumn colors still linger, creating a picturesque backdrop for exploration.

Average Temperature and Precipitation

During November in Taipei, the average temperature ranges from 17°C to 24°C (63°F to 75°F), offering a pleasant climate for outdoor activities. Rainfall is moderate, with an average precipitation of about 160mm spread throughout the month. It’s advisable to carry an umbrella or light raincoat when venturing out to explore the city to be prepared for sporadic showers.

What to Wear in Taipei During November

Daytime Apparel

When exploring Taipei during November, dressing in layers is the key. I find it’s essential to wear comfortable clothing that can be adjusted to the changing temperatures throughout the day. Starting with a light top paired with a sweater or jacket is a smart choice. Additionally, don’t forget to bring a scarf or shawl for extra warmth, especially during the cooler mornings or evenings. As for bottoms, opt for jeans or trousers that offer both comfort and style. Comfortable walking shoes are a must as you navigate the city’s streets and markets.

Evening Apparel

As the day transitions into evening in Taipei, it’s advisable to have a slightly heavier jacket or coat handy. I’ve found that a stylish jacket not only keeps me warm but also adds a touch of fashion to my evening look. Pairing it with your daytime outfit can effortlessly take you from daytime explorations to evening dinner plans. Remember to accessorize with a hat or beanie for added warmth and style. Comfortable footwear is essential for evenings out, so choose stylish yet comfortable shoes that can take you from exploring night markets to enjoying the city’s vibrant nightlife.

Activities Suited for Taipei’s November Weather

Outdoor Activities

When exploring Taipei in November, I enjoy engaging in various outdoor activities thanks to the mild temperatures and pleasant breeze. One popular option is visiting Yangmingshan National Park to witness the breathtaking autumn foliage in full display. Hiking along the picturesque trails surrounded by colorful leaves offers a serene escape from the bustling city life. Additionally, cycling around Sun Moon Lake and soaking in the scenic views is a delightful way to spend a crisp November day in Taipei.

Indoor Options

On days when the weather in Taipei is a bit cooler or if I’m looking for indoor pursuits, there are plenty of engaging options to choose from. Exploring the National Palace Museum is a fascinating way to delve into Taiwan’s rich history and admire its extensive collection of artifacts. For a culinary adventure, visiting local night markets like Shilin Night Market provides a vibrant atmosphere to try a wide array of delicious Taiwanese street food. Moreover, immersing oneself in the vibrant arts scene by attending a performance at the Taipei National Theater is a captivating indoor activity to experience the cultural heritage of the city.

Travel Tips for Taipei in November

Best Time to Visit

In my experience, November is a fantastic time to visit Taipei. The weather is cooler, making it ideal for outdoor exploration without the discomfort of summer heat. The autumn foliage adds a beautiful touch to the city, providing picturesque views for your adventures.

Health and Safety Considerations

When traveling to Taipei in November, it’s essential to pack suitable clothing for the weather. As the temperatures can vary throughout the day, I recommend dressing in layers to stay comfortable. It’s also a good idea to carry an umbrella or raincoat as Taipei can experience occasional showers during this month. Additionally, don’t forget to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun if you plan on spending extended periods outdoors.

Key Takeaways

  • Taipei in November experiences a transitional period from autumn to winter, characterized by mild temperatures and occasional rainfall.
  • The average temperature in Taipei during November ranges from 17°C to 24°C (63°F to 75°F) with moderate rainfall, making it suitable for outdoor activities.
  • Dressing in layers with comfortable clothing is recommended when exploring Taipei in November to adapt to changing temperatures throughout the day.
  • Engaging in outdoor activities like visiting Yangmingshan National Park or indoor pursuits such as exploring the National Palace Museum are popular options in Taipei’s November weather.
  • November is an excellent time to visit Taipei due to cooler weather, beautiful autumn foliage, and various activities suited for this season.
  • Travelers should pack appropriately with layered clothing, an umbrella for occasional showers, stay hydrated, and protect themselves from the sun while in Taipei in November.


November in Taipei offers a delightful blend of mild weather, vibrant foliage, and cultural experiences. Dressing in layers and carrying an umbrella for occasional showers will ensure a comfortable exploration of the city. Remember to stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun while enjoying outdoor activities. Whether you choose to visit museums, indulge in local cuisine at night markets, or attend a traditional performance, Taipei in November promises a memorable and enriching travel experience. Embrace the essence of autumn in this dynamic city, where each day brings new adventures and discoveries.


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