Ultimate Guide to Siem Reap Weather in November: Tips for Exploring Angkor Wat

Ultimate Guide to Siem Reap Weather in November: Tips for Exploring Angkor Wat

Planning a trip to Siem Reap in November? As someone who has experienced the charm of this Cambodian city, I can assure you that the weather in November is a delightful mix of cool mornings and warm afternoons. The dry season is in full swing during this time, offering visitors a perfect opportunity to explore the ancient temples of Angkor Wat without the interruption of rain.

In my travels to Siem Reap, I’ve found November to be an ideal month for outdoor activities, whether it’s cycling through the countryside or enjoying a sunset boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake. The pleasant weather creates a comfortable setting for immersing oneself in the rich culture and history that Siem Reap has to offer. So, if you’re looking for a magical experience in this enchanting city, November might just be the perfect time to visit.

Overview of Siem Reap Weather in November

Exploring Siem Reap in November is a delightful experience due to the pleasant weather conditions. Mornings in November typically start off cool and refreshing, making it ideal for beginning your day with a sense of calmness before the temperatures gradually rise towards the afternoon. This transition from cool to comfortably warm creates a perfect setting for outdoor activities.

During November, the weather in Siem Reap is characterized by minimal rainfall, offering visitors a dry and enjoyable environment for exploring the stunning temples of Angkor Wat without any interruptions. The lack of rain allows you to fully immerse yourself in the historical and cultural wonders of the region without worrying about unpredictable weather changes.

One of the highlights of visiting Siem Reap in November is the opportunity to engage in outdoor adventures such as cycling through the picturesque countryside. The pleasant weather conditions enhance the cycling experience, allowing you to discover the beauty of the surroundings while feeling the gentle breeze against your skin.

Moreover, November presents an excellent chance to enjoy a relaxing sunset boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake. The clear skies and mild temperatures create a serene atmosphere as you cruise along the tranquil waters, admiring the breathtaking views of the sunset reflecting off the lake’s surface.

In essence, November provides a magical backdrop for exploring Siem Reap, offering a perfect blend of cool mornings, warm afternoons, and minimal rainfall. Whether you are delving into the ancient temples or partaking in outdoor adventures, the pleasant weather in November sets the stage for a memorable and immersive experience in this enchanting city.

Key Characteristics of Siem Reap’s Climate in November

Average Temperatures

In November, temperatures in Siem Reap are typically pleasant, ranging from lows of around 73°F (23°C) in the early mornings to highs of about 88°F (31°C) in the afternoons. This moderate temperature range creates a comfortable environment for exploring the outdoor wonders that Siem Reap has to offer.

Rainfall and Humidity Levels

November in Siem Reap is characterized by minimal rainfall and lower humidity levels, providing visitors with ideal conditions for sightseeing and outdoor activities. The average rainfall during this month is usually around 20mm, ensuring that your explorations of the region’s historical and cultural sites are not disrupted by heavy downpours. Additionally, the humidity levels in November tend to be lower, adding to the overall pleasant experience of being in Siem Reap during this time.

What to Pack for Siem Reap in November

Clothing Essentials

When packing for Siem Reap in November, I recommend including lightweight and breathable clothing items. Opt for comfortable outfits suitable for warm afternoons, such as shorts, t-shirts, and sundresses. In the mornings and evenings, it’s a good idea to have a light sweater or jacket as temperatures can be cooler, around 73°F (23°C). Don’t forget to pack a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen to stay protected from the sun while exploring outdoor attractions like Angkor Wat.

Additional Items to Consider

In addition to clothing, there are a few essential items to consider adding to your packing list for Siem Reap in November. A reusable water bottle is handy to stay hydrated, especially during outdoor activities. It’s also beneficial to carry insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes, a common nuisance in the region. A portable umbrella or a rain poncho may come in handy as there could be occasional brief showers despite the low rainfall in November. Lastly, comfortable walking shoes are a must for exploring temples and navigating the uneven terrain in and around Siem Reap.

Activities Suited for November Weather in Siem Reap

Outdoor Adventures

Exploring the stunning temples of Angkor Wat is a must during November in Siem Reap due to the delightful weather, offering cool mornings and warm afternoons. It’s the perfect time to wander through ancient ruins without the discomfort of rain. Don’t forget to pack your lightweight and breathable clothing for the changing temperatures throughout the day. Additionally, consider bringing along a hat and sunglasses to shield yourself from the sun during your outdoor adventures.

Cultural Events and Festivals

In November, Siem Reap comes alive with various cultural events and festivals that showcase the rich heritage of the region. One notable event is the Water Festival, known locally as Bon Om Touk, where locals celebrate the changing currents of the Tonle Sap River. It’s a fantastic opportunity to witness traditional boat races and vibrant fireworks displays illuminating the night sky. Remember to immerse yourself in the festivities by trying local delicacies and engaging with the welcoming community during this lively time in Siem Reap.

Key Takeaways

  • Siem Reap in November offers a delightful mix of cool mornings and warm afternoons, perfect for exploring outdoor activities.
  • The dry season in November provides ideal conditions for visiting the temples of Angkor Wat without rain interruptions.
  • Average temperatures in Siem Reap range from 73°F (23°C) in the mornings to 88°F (31°C) in the afternoons, making it comfortable for sightseeing.
  • Packing essentials for Siem Reap in November include lightweight clothing, a reusable water bottle, insect repellent, and comfortable walking shoes.
  • Outdoor adventures like exploring Angkor Wat and participating in cultural events such as the Water Festival are well-suited for the November weather in Siem Reap.


I hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the delightful weather conditions you can expect in Siem Reap during November. With cool mornings and warm afternoons, this month offers the perfect setting for exploring the wonders of Angkor Wat and immersing yourself in the rich historical and cultural heritage of the region. Remember to pack light, breathable clothing, and essential items like a reusable water bottle and insect repellent to make the most of your outdoor adventures. Whether you’re exploring temples or enjoying cultural festivals like the Water Festival, November in Siem Reap promises an unforgettable experience filled with pleasant temperatures and exciting discoveries. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to create lasting memories in one of Cambodia’s most enchanting destinations.


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